Guidelines for MEGA

MEGA guidelines

MEGA is the acronym for Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry (and its equivalent in Italian, French, Spanish, German, Russian, etc.). This series of biennial international conferences, with the tradition dating back to 1990, is devoted to computational and application aspects of Algebraic Geometry and related topics, over any characteristics.

MEGA conferences have emerged from the leading research activity in Effective Algebraic Geometry developed in Europe over the last decades. They have established themselves as an important vehicle in the exploration of the broad interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Computational and Applied domains of Mathematics. The conferences have also increasingly been attracting young talented researchers, showing the strength and vitality of the community. The MEGA conferences aim at promoting the development of the subject through academic exchange between International researchers; at presenting the recent progresses of the domain through the presentation of selected talks; at updating the community knowledge through the invitation of talented researchers from Europe and outside; and at attracting and supporting young students and researchers to join the current research area.

MEGA structure is composed of

  • an Advisory Board (AB)
  • an Executive Committee (EC)
  • a Local Organization Committee (LOC)

The server keeps information about the conference,  members of the committee, newcomers, …

Chair of Executive Committee

  • The chair is proposed by the Advisory Board (AB) for the period from the end of the previous conference to the end of the next conference. Usually this nomination happens during the AB meeting of the running conference.
  • The chair nominates the members of the Executive Committee (EC).
  • The chair gets superuser access to the server  where information related to the conferences of MEGA is collected.
  • After being nominated, the chair checks that the members of the AB are on board and willing to take upon the tasks of reviewing presentations for the next conference. This was done previously by email. It is possible to use the mailing list mega-advisory (managed by Jan Draisma).
  • The chair may invite new members to join the AB (usually 2 or 3 newcomers), looking for persons involved in topics related and/or relevant to MEGA, in particular young talents and keeping a good balance of the different areas of MEGA. The chair provides (to Jan Draisma?) the  email addresses of the new members of the AB, to update the mailing list mega-advisory. The page of the advisory board here is also be updated accordingly (via a login and editing on the server or by contacting Bernard Mourrain)
  • When a member of the AB resigns, that email is removed from the mailing list and the pages of  the advisory board here and former members there are updated.
  • The chair and the EC take the decisions of acceptance or not of the oral presentations at the conference, based on the reviews of the AB.
  • The chair and the EC take the decision to have or not parallel sessions during the conference.
  • For the proceedings of the conference, a special issue of a journal is organized. These last editions, it was a special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation. 2 or 3 guest editors manage the special issue. Usually, the guest editors include the chair of the EC and a member of the JSC board.
  • When the selected articles are ready for publications, they are sent to the Journal publisher and also published as an open access collections on HAL.


Executive Committee (EC):

  • The EC participates in the decisions of acceptance or not of the submissions as oral presentation, poster or software presentation.
  • The EC chooses the invited speakers.
  • The EC asks for applications to organize the next conference, before the AB meeting of the running conference. 

Advisory Board (AB):

  • The AB discusses issues related to the organization of the conference via the mailing list.
  • The AB meets during the conference to vote for the next location of the conference and  the next chair.
  • The AB takes part in the reviews of the submissions for the conference.

Local Organization Committee (LOC)

  • The LOC is in general proposed by the local team interested in organizing the next conference, and approved by the AB.
  • The LOC is in charge of making the local arrangements in order to make the conference happen.
  • Both LOC and EC are in charge of looking for funding to make the conference accessible particularly to young researchers.


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